
4 Programming
4.5 Averaging Time
PLC User's Manual - Analog Control Edition
FX3U-4AD-ADP (4-channel analog Input)
4.5 Averaging Time
Setting range: 1 to 4095
Initial value: K1
Numeric data type: Decimal (K)
If the averaging time is set for the 4AD-ADP, the average data will be stored as the input data. The averaging
time can be set for each channel.
Set the averaging time in the following special data registers:
3U, FX3UC Series PLC
3G Series PLC
1. Cautions regarding averaging time setting
If the averaging time is set to "1", the immediate data is stored to the special data register.
If the averaging time is set in the range from 2 to 4095, the average value will be calculated to conform to
the set averaging time, and the average value obtained will be stored in the special data register.
After turning the PLC power on, the current data is stored to special data registers until the number of data
items reaches the set averaging time. After this, the average data will be stored.
Set the averaging time in the range from 1 to 4095. If the set value is outside the setting range, an error
signal will be output.
If the averaging time is set to "0" or smaller, the PLC will perform as if the averaging time is set to "1".
If the averaging time is set to "4096" or larger, the PLC will perform as if the averaging time is set to "4096".
For a detailed description of the error status, refer to Section 6.5
2. Program Example (For FX3U, FX3UC Series PLC)
Special data register
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
D8264 D8274 D8284 D8294 Averaging time for channel-1 data
D8265 D8275 D8285 D8295 Averaging time for channel-2 data
D8266 D8276 D8286 D8296 Averaging time for channel-3 data
D8267 D8277 D8287 D8297 Averaging time for channel-4 data
Special data register
1st 2nd
D8284 D8294 Averaging time for channel-1 data
D8285 D8295 Averaging time for channel-2 data
D8286 D8296 Averaging time for channel-3 data
D8287 D8297 Averaging time for channel-4 data
FNC 12
K1 D8264
FNC 12
K5 D8265
Sets the averaging time for
channel-1 of the 1st analog
special adapter to 1.
Sets the averaging time for
channel-2 of the 1st analog
special adapter to 5.