HD Receiver’s Menu System
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the purchase. If the button is not displayed, then it is likely that a portion of the event has been
viewed and the purchase may not be cancelled.
Purchase History
The Purchase History displays a list of PPV events that will be or have been charged to you. You
will not see events you purchased but later canceled or events you purchased but which the HD
receiver never tuned to. Events that were ordered by directly calling DIRECTV will also not
appear on this list. You cannot remove events from this list. Reported events will disappear from
this list as the HD receiver needs space to log more recent purchases.
You will see the event channel, title, start date and time, and cost for each purchase. There may be
more events than can fit on the screen. You can access these by using the key or key.
If you need to discuss an event with DIRECTV, highlight the questioned event and press .
Additional information will be displayed.
Caller ID
If you have Caller ID (Identification) service from
your telephone service provider, an incoming
telephone call will display an Incoming call from
pop-up screen containing the Name and Telephone
Number of the caller.
Highlighting the OK button on the pop-up screen and
pressing the key on the remote control will
continue to display this pop-up screen whenever an
incoming telephone call arrives. Highlighting the
Disable button on the pop-up screen and pressing the
key on the remote control will prevent the
display of the Incoming call from pop-up screen
whenever an incoming telephone call arrives.
Incoming telephone call information will still be
retained, however, and displayed on the Caller ID
List screen.
Call History
Highlighting the Caller ID button on the MAIN MENU screen and pressing the key on
the remote control displays the Caller ID List screen.
On the left are the buttons for Done, Video, and Disable, as explained below.
Highlighting the Done button on the screen and pressing the key on the remote control
causes an exit from the Caller ID List screen and a return to the MAIN MENU screen.
Highlighting the Video button on the screen and pressing the key on the remote control
will return you to the last program you were viewing.
Caller ID Over video
Caller ID Over menu