
4.13.1 Automatic restart after instantaneous power failure/flying start under general-purpose motor
control (Pr. 57, Pr. 58, Pr. 162 to Pr. 165, Pr. 299, Pr. 611) <V/F><S MFVC> .................... 162
4.13.2 Automatic restart after instantaneous power failure/flying start under IPM
motor control (Pr. 57, Pr. 162, Pr. 611) <IPM>..................................................................... 166
4.13.3 Power failure signal (Y67 signal) .......................................................................................... 168
4.13.4 Power failure-time deceleration-to-stop function (Pr. 261 to Pr. 266 ).................................. 169
4.14 Operation setting at fault occurrence ........................................................... 172
4.14.1 Retry function (Pr. 65, Pr. 67 to Pr. 69) ................................................................................ 172
4.14.2 Fault code output selection (Pr.76)....................................................................................... 174
4.14.3 Input/output phase loss protection selection (Pr. 251, Pr. 872)............................................ 175
4.15 Energy saving operation and energy saving monitor ................................. 176
4.15.1 Energy saving control and Optimum excitation control (Pr. 60) <V/F>................................. 176
4.15.2 Energy saving monitor (Pr. 891 to Pr. 899) .......................................................................... 177
4.16 Motor noise, EMI measures, mechanical resonance................................... 182
4.16.1 Carrier frequency and Soft-PWM selection under general-purpose motor
control (Pr. 72, Pr. 240, Pr. 260) <V/F><S MFVC> .............................................................. 182
4.16.2 Carrier frequency and Soft-PWM selection under IPM motor control
(Pr.72, Pr.240, Pr.260) <IPM>.............................................................................................. 183
4.16.3 Speed smoothing control (Pr. 653, Pr. 654) <V/F><S MFVC>............................................. 184
4.17 Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 1, 2, 4) ................................... 185
4.17.1 Analog input selection (Pr. 73, Pr. 267)................................................................................ 185
4.17.2 Setting the frequency by analog input (voltage input) .......................................................... 189
4.17.3 Analog input compensation (Pr. 73, Pr. 242, Pr. 243, Pr. 252, Pr. 253)............................... 191
4.17.4 Response level of analog input and noise elimination (Pr. 74)............................................. 192
4.17.5 Bias and gain of frequency setting voltage (current)
(Pr. 125, Pr. 126, Pr. 241, C2(Pr. 902) to C7(Pr. 905)) ........................................................ 193
4.17.6 Frequency setting signal (current) bias/gain adjustment method ......................................... 195
4.18 Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction ....................... 198
4.18.1 Reset selection/disconnected PU detection/PU stop selection (Pr. 75) ............................... 198
4.18.2 Parameter write selection (Pr. 77) ........................................................................................ 200
4.18.3 Reverse rotation prevention selection (Pr. 78) ..................................................................... 201
4.18.4 Display of applied parameters and user group function (Pr. 160, Pr. 172 to Pr. 174) .......... 201
4.18.5 Password function (Pr. 296, Pr. 297).................................................................................... 203
4.19 Selection of operation mode and operation location .................................. 206
4.19.1 Operation mode selection (Pr. 79)........................................................................................ 206
4.19.2 Setting the set frequency to operate (example: performing operation at 30Hz) ................... 214
4.19.3 Setting the frequency by the operation panel (Pr. 79 = 3) .................................................... 215
4.19.4 Setting the frequency by analog input (voltage input) .......................................................... 217
4.19.5 Operation mode at power-ON (Pr. 79, Pr. 340).................................................................... 218
4.19.6 Start command source and speed command source during
communication operation (Pr. 338, Pr. 339, Pr. 550, Pr. 551).............................................. 219
4.20 Communication operation and setting ......................................................... 224