EMC and leakage currents
1)Calculation of equivalent capacity P0 of harmonic generating equipment
The "equivalent capacity" is the capacity of a 6-pulse converter converted from the capacity of consumer's harmonic
generating equipment and is calculated with the following equation. If the sum of equivalent capacities is higher than
the limit in Table 3, harmonics must be calculated with the following procedure:
2)Calculation of outgoing harmonic current
Outgoing harmonic current = fundamental wave current (value converted from received power voltage)
× operation
ratio × harmonic content
⋅Operation ratio: Operation ratio = actual load factor × operation time ratio during 30 minutes
⋅Harmonic content: Found in Table 4.
P0 =
Σ (Ki × Pi) [kVA]
* Rated capacity: Determined by the capacity of the applied motor and
found in Table 5. It should be noted that the rated capacity used here
is used to calculate generated harmonic amount and is different from
the power supply capacity required for actual inverter drive.
Ki: Conversion factor(According to Table 2)
Pi: Rated capacity of harmonic generating equipment
* [kVA]
i : Number indicating the conversion circuit type
Table 5 Rated capacities and outgoing harmonic currents of inverter-driven motors
Rated Current
Wave Current
from 6.6kV
Outgoing Harmonic Current Converted from 6.6kV (mA)
(No reactor, 100% operation ratio)
200V 400V 5th 7th 11th 13th 17th 19th 23rd 25th
0.4 1.61 0.81 49 0.57 31.85 20.09 4.165 3.773 2.107 1.519 1.274 0.882
0.75 2.74 1.37 83 0.97 53.95 34.03 7.055 6.391 3.569 2.573 2.158 1.494
1.5 5.5 2.75 167 1.95 108.6 68.47 14.20 12.86 7.181 5.177 4.342 3.006
2.2 7.93 3.96 240 2.81 156.0 98.40 20.40 18.48 10.32 7.440 6.240 4.320
3.7 13.0 6.50 394 4.61 257.1 161.5 33.49 30.34 16.94 12.21 10.24 7.092
5.5 19.1 9.55 579 6.77 376.1 237.4 49.22 44.58 24.90 17.95 15.05 10.42
7.5 25.6 12.8 776 9.07 504.4 318.2 65.96 59.75 33.37 24.06 20.18 13.97
11 36.9 18.5 1121 13.1 728.7 459.6 95.29 86.32 48.20 34.75 29.15 20.18
15 49.8 24.9 1509 17.6 980.9 618.7 128.3 116.2 64.89 46.78 39.24 27.16
18.5 61.4 30.7 1860 21.8 1209 762.6 158.1 143.2 79.98 57.66 48.36 33.48
22 73.1 36.6 2220 25.9 1443 910.2 188.7 170.9 95.46 68.82 57.72 39.96
30 98.0 49.0 2970 34.7 1931 1218 252.5 228.7 127.7 92.07 77.22 53.46
37 121 60.4 3660 42.8 2379 1501 311.1 281.8 157.4 113.5 95.16 65.88
45 147 73.5 4450 52.1 2893 1825 378.3 342.7 191.4 138.0 115.7 80.10
55 180 89.9 5450 63.7 3543 2235 463.3 419.7 234.4 169.0 141.7 98.10
Rated Current
Wave Current
from 6.6kV
Outgoing Harmonic Current Converted from 6.6kV (mA)
(With DC reactor, 100% operation ratio)
200V 400V 5th 7th 11th 13th 17th 19th 23rd 25th
75 245 123 7455 87.2 2237 969 626 373 350 239 224 164
90 293 147 8909 104 2673 1158 748 445 419 285 267 196
110 357 179 10848 127 3254 1410 911 542 510 347 325 239
132 — 216 13091 153 3927 1702 1100 655 615 419 393 288
160 — 258 15636 183 4691 2033 1313 782 735 500 469 344
220 — 355 21515 252 6455 2797 1807 1076 1011 688 645 473
250 — 403 24424 286 7327 3175 2052 1221 1148 782 733 537
280 — 450 27273 319 8182 3545 2291 1364 1282 873 818 600
315 — 506 30667 359 9200 3987 2576 1533 1441 981 920 675
355 — 571 34606 405 10382 4499 2907 1730 1627 1107 1038 761
400 — 643 38970 456 11691 5066 3274 1949 1832 1247 1169 857
450 — 723 43818 512 13146 5696 3681 2191 2060 1402 1315 964
500 — 804 48727 570 14618 6335 4093 2436 2290 1559 1462 1072