Using the parental lock (cont.)
[] Lock the TV
[] Secret code : .... [
The lock is now off.
Enter your personal code
using NUMBER buttons.
Then press ENTER
to set the _ook.
ENTER to enter
[_] MENU to go back
[] Lock the TV
[] Setting : Off
] ADJUST to select
ENTER to enter
MENU to go back
[] Lock the TV
[] Setting : By Time
[]Lockat :12:00pm
[] Unlock at : :
____ ADJUST to select
ENTER to enter
CANCEL to reset
_! MENU to go back
[] Lock the TV
[] Setting : By Time
I_Lockat :12:00pm
[] Unlock at : 12:00 pm
--_ ADJUST to select
_i ENTER to enter
CANCEL to reset
__J MENU to go back
locking the TV
O The message for locking the
TV will appear.
Enter a four-digit secret code
using the number buttons (0-9"
then, press the ENTER button
You can cancel the code if you
press CANCEL before you pre:
O Use the ADJUST buttons to
select a setting: Off, Always O_
or By Time. Press ENTER.
If voa select a :setting: "By Time,'
The cursor will move to "Lock
at." Use the ADJUST buttons
set the time at which you wan
tc_lock the TV. Press ENTER.
Use the ADJUST buttons to s,
tile time at which you want to
unlock the TV. Press ENTER;
the screen will return to the
"Advanced Features" menu.
If you want the lock to be in
effect all the time, set the sarr
"Lock at" time as you set for tl
"Unlock at" time.
Press HOME to exit the men_
O When you turn on a locked T_
or if the lock's "time period"
begins, you will be asked to
enter your four-digit secret
code. Enter the code to tempo
rarily disable the lock. The lo.
will be enabled again when y(
turn the TV off.
The TV will be locked at all times if you set the lock by time but,
not set the TV's clock.
74 Chapter 3: Operating Your TV