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Item Description
Srv series select
Choose the servo series.
When you selected "Others", choose the servo series in the list box.
This lists the registered amplifier names of the selected servo series.
"Create" button
Click this button to display the Servo amplifier set/motor entry dialog box where the names
will be entered.
"Delete" button Click this button to delete the name selected in the list.
"Extended" button Click this button to show the detailed data of the name selected in the list.
Srv series Set the servo series.
Set value Shows the value assigned to the servo series created.
Amp type Set the servo amplifier model name.
Motor type
Set the servomotor type.
To set it, enter any of the following values which represent the types.
00: HA-SH standard 05: HA-MH 0A: HA-FF
01: HA-LH low-inertia 07: HC-SF 0B: HC-MF
02: HA-UH flat 08: HC-RF 80: Automatic setting
03: HA-FH 09: HC-UF FF: Special motor
Motor type name Shows the type name of the servomotor set to the motor type.
Motor name Set the servomotor model name.
Set the type of the regenerative resistor.
To set it, enter any of the following values which represent the types in hexadecimal.
00: Regenerative brake 08: MR-RB30
01: FR-RC, FR-BU 09: MR-RB50
02: MR-RB013 0B: MR-RB31
03: MR-RB033 0C: MR-RB51
04: MR-RB064×2 0E: Standard + Fan
05: MR-RB32 0F: MR-RB064
06: MR-RB34 10: MR-RB032
07: MR-RB54 11: MR-RB012
Capacity Set the servomotor capacity.
Rated Set the rated speed of the servomotor.
Set the number of feedback pulses.
To set it, enter any of the following values.
0: 16384 2: 12000 4: 4000 6: 32768
1: 8192 3: 8000 5: 1048567 7: 131072
For details of the setting, refer to the servo amplifier and servomotor installation guides and
instruction manuals.
Feedback value Shows the set number of feedback pulses.
Comment Set when you want to comment the servo model name.
"auto set" button
Click this button to automatically set the motor type, motor model name, capacity, speed and
"Special set" button
Click this button to choose special motor settings for the motor type, motor model name,
capacity, speed and feedback pulse.
"OK" button Click this button to register the set amplifier and motor model names.