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Item Description
Flash ROM auto write
Select whether data will be written to flash ROM or not in the initial setting for write to AD75.
• Yes
Choose Yes to make the initial setting that data will be written to flash ROM when write to
AD75 is performed.
• No
Choose No to make the initial setting that data will not be written to flash ROM when write
to AD75 is performed.
COM set Choose the COM port used with the peripheral device.
Starting up mode set
Make the initial setting for AD75 model when creating a new project.
When creating a new project, the model selected in Starting up mode set is used.
Positioning data set item
Set the item to be displayed on the positioning data edit main screen.
• Always display (Except comment)
Shows all items including those that need not be set according to the control method, with
the exception of the positioning data comment.
• Change display according to control method
Shows the items which must be set according to the control method.
• Current axis all delete display
Shows all items of the current axis only. (Interpolation address for interpolation control is
not displayed.)
By clicking the check box, the positioning data comment is added to the display item.
Data No. set
Choose the range of the positioning data No. to be displayed on the positioning data edit
main screen.
• Data No. 1 to No. 100
Shows positioning data No. 1 to 100.
• Data No. 1 to No. 600
Shows positioning data No. 1 to 600.
Data save set
Set the default save destination when a new project is created or the project is saved with a
new name.
"OK" button Click this button to determine the setting data.
When you selected data No. 1 to No. 600 in data No. setting, it will take longer to
show the positioning data edit main screen.
When positioning data No. 101 and more are not required for each axis, choose
data No. 1 to No. 100. (The positioning data No. defaults to data No. 1 to No. 100.)