Cautions on Safety
Make sure to read the manuals and pay careful attention to safety when designing a system.
In practice, pay attention to the following contents and handle any products or demonstration
units correctly.
Cautions on practice
• Never touch any terminal while the power is supplied. If you touch a terminal,
you may get an electrical shock.
• Turn off the power before connecting / disconnecting units, or opening any
safety covers.
• Never insert your hand or any other object into a moving part.
• Never change the wiring or configuration of demonstration euipment without
permission or if you are unsure of how to configure a system correctly. Such
actions may cause failure, malfunction, injury or fire.
• If a simulation unit (such as an X-Y table) generates an abnormal smell or
sound, immediately turn off the power switch.
• If you detect any abnormality, immediately turn off the power and contact a
qualified engineer.
Positioning Control