882.00207.00 Chapter 4: Operation 56 of 102
Max Hopper Weight Exceeded, Check Batch Size
This alarm indicates that the weight in the weigh hopper has exceeded the maximum allowed weight.
This alarm can happen if the operator changes material density and does not perform a feeder
calibration, but will usually be automatically fixed after the first batch. As long as this alarm doesn’t
continue to reappear, then the operator should not be concerned. If the alarm continues to occur,
then the operator should have maintenance check the blender.
Typical “Maximum Hopper Weight” Alarm Screen
Calibration Error, Clean out Hopper and Check Calibration
This alarm indicates that the maximum empty weight for the weigh hopper has been exceeded. The
blender will automatically tare up to 0.25 lbs of material, but if this weight is exceeded, then an
alarm will appear. This alarm is most commonly caused by a build up of sticky material in the
weigh hopper and can be corrected by simply cleaning out the weigh hopper. If this does not correct
the problem, then the scale calibration should be checked by maintenance.
Typical “Calibration Error” Alarm Screen
Power Interruption while metering a Batch
This alarm indicates that the blender’s power was turned off while the blender was making a batch.
The batch accuracy is not affected as long as the blender is configured for “AutoStart.” The blender
will finish the last batch accurately even if the material was dumped into the mixer when the power
was turned off.
Typical “Power Interruption” Alarm Screen
check batch size
While metering a