App. - 74
Appendix 9.2 Creating a program by using an FB library
This section explains the procedure to create a program by using an FB library.
Appendx 9.2.1 Programs to be created
This section explains how to use an FB library with an example of importing an
analog value from an analog input module.
Example) Reading an analog value to D10 from the analog input module (Q64AD)
when the switch (X2) is turned on.
The program can easily be created by using an FB library as follows.
When the switch (X2) is turned on,
FB for reading AD conversion
data of the specified channel
Analog value
is input.
The analog value is stored in D10.
The FB created by a user is also available other than the FB in the FB library.
For the creation method of a new FB, refer to "MELSOFT GX Works2 FB Quick
Start Guide".