
Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Enhanced Simplified Message Desk Interface; a standard call data packet format used in
Centrex applications, with additional features not found in SMDI. used in unified integrations.
Electronic Switching System; switching equipment used in Bell System COs.
Features Class of Service; a combination of features. By assigning an FCOS to a mailbox, the
Administrator determines what capabilities a mailbox has.
Feature bit
The smallest unit of NuPoint Voice mailbox capability, also called a feature or an FCOS bit
(avoid the latter term as it is often confused with FCOS). Each feature bit has a number and a
name. Example: Feature bit 053 (Keep messages), allows users to store messages in their
mailboxes after they have played them. You cannot assign an individual feature bit to a mailbox;
you must assign a feature bit to an FCOS and assign the FCOS to the mailbox.
Functionally Partitioned System Administration. Server software that prevents unauthorized
changes and offers better security.
Functionally Partitioned System Administration
Full-screen interface
An input screen on the server maintenance console where data is entered in different places
by moving the cursor around the screen. Items can be changed and then all are saved at the
same time. Contrast with scrolling interface.
Ability to send an existing message to another user.
Information meant to welcome callers when they reach the NuPoint Voice application or a
mailbox. Typically, callers hear a general company greeting, directions for using the system and
a greeting from a user when they call from outside the system. Administrators, Attendants
and users can record greetings.
Greeting-Only Mailbox
Mailbox that does not allow callers to leave a message.
Group Class of Service; a method of restricting communication between mailboxes. By
assigning a GCOS to a each mailbox, the Administrator determines which users can exchange
messages. There are two types, affinity GCOS and bitmapped GCOS. An affinity GCOS
consists only of a GCOS number, whereas a bitmapped GCOS is a set of groups. A bitmapped
GCOS can have from 0 to 128 groups.
A component of a bitmapped GCOS. A single group has no intrinsic meaning; it simply acts as an
“on/off” switch within a bitmapped GCOS. You cannot assign an individual group to a mailbox;
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