Final spin speed
Programme rpm
Cottons 1600
Minimum iron 1200
Delicates 600
Woollens 1200
Express 1600
Automatic 1200
Shirts 600
Denim 900
Dark garments 1200
Spin 1600
You can reduce the final spin speed.
However, you cannot select a final spin
speed higher than that shown in the
chart above.
Rinse and interim spin
There is a spin after the main wash and
between the rinses. A reduction in the
final spin speed will also reduce the
interim spin speed. If a spin speed of
less than 700 rpm is selected for a
Cottons programme, an additional rinse
is introduced.
To omit the final spin (Rinse hold)
Select the e setting using the Spin
speed button. The laundry will not be
spun and will remain suspended in
the final rinse water. This reduces
creasing if the laundry is not going to
be removed from the drum immedi
ately after the end of the programme.
To start the final spin
The washing machine will display the
maximum spin speed possible. You
can select a spin speed lower than
this. Start the final spin by pressing
the Start/Stop button.
– To end the programme
Press the Door button. The water will
drain away. Press the Door button
again to open the door.
To omit rinse and interim spin and
the final spin (No u)
^ Select the No u setting using the
Spin speed button. The laundry is not
spun after the final rinse. The water
will drain away and the machine will
go straight into the anti-crease stage.
An additional rinse is introduced if
this setting is selected with the
Cottons, Minimum iron, Express and
Automatic programmes.