Key features 3
Operator Manual
The FireWire interface can be used with any personal computer (PC) fitted with an
IEEE1394 port, and is effectively a digital multi-channel cable (up to 2 x 32-channels)
for connecting the PC to the console. FireWire lets you use any third party audio
processing software in conjunction with the console, and applications include
multi-track recording, software-generated effects processors and “plug-ins” inserted on
input channel FireWire send/returns.
Key features
The VeniceF consoles include the following key features:
• Sizes — available in 16, 24 and 32 input channel frame sizes.
• Midas mic preamps — 16/24/32 overload-tolerant Midas mic preamps (the last
eight being on four stereo modules), which accept +32dBu.
• Midas XL3 EQ — each mono channel has a Midas XL3, 4-band swept EQ with
2 parametric mids (treble, hi mid, lo mid and bass).
• 4-band EQs on stereo channels — 4-band fixed frequency EQs on stereo channels
and a sum-to-mono switch.
• Ease of use — easy to store, prep, configure, maintain, repair, transport,
set up/down and clean.
• Hybrid technology — analogue technology for sound processing and mixing, and
digital connectivity provided by FireWire. Analogue or digital (FireWire) input and
analogue or digital (FireWire) direct output pre-EQ or post-EQ.
• FireWire — up to 32 x 32-channel FireWire interface that provides I/O connectivity,
which defaults to input channels, but can be switched to access buses. FireWire
socket (6-pin) and sample rate and clock source LEDs.
• Mono input channels — mic/line in, insert (with in/out switch and LED) and direct
out (with a pre-EQ or post-EQ switch) per channel. Polarity switch on each channel.
• Dual stereo input channels — mic/line in left and in right (mic and line can be
used simultaneously with mic routed via the channel and the line inputs routed
direct to masters), separate gain for the left and right inputs, and same mic amp
functions as the mono inputs.
• Master channels — mono, left and right master channels, each with an insert.
• 15 Buses — 6 aux sends (includes 2 monitor (foldback) sends that are also
switchable pre-/post-EQ on an individual channel basis), 4 groups, 3 masters
(2 stereo and a mono) and 2 matrices, all with hardware outputs.
• Returns — 2 additional stereo return line inputs.
• Local outputs — 2 local outputs (left and right).
• Routing — individual routing to stereo, mono and groups with pan-to-groups enable
switch. Individual group routing switches.
• Metering — 4-LED meter per mono and stereo input channels, 4 x 8-LED output
meters and 3 x 12-LED master meters.
• Faders — high-precision 100 mm faders on a horizontal fader panel.
• 48V phantom power — all analogue audio I/O is tolerant of 48V connection.
Mono master output XLRM XLRM XLRM
FireWire (IEEE 1394) 16-channel,
FW400, 6-pin
FW400, 6-pin
FW400, 6-pin
Item F16 F24 F32