256 Color
Scans data using 256 colors.
Data size is smaller than "24 bit Color" selected.
Please note that the image quality of "256 Color (8 bit)" is inferior to the case of "24 bit
Color ". Choose "24 bit Color" for higher quality.
Only color scanner models support this option. See "Relevant Image Scanner
Specification" in the Appendix.
8 Color
Scans data using 8 colors.
Data size is smaller than “256 Color” selected.
Please note that the image quality of "8 Color" is inferior to the case of "24 bit Color"
and "256 Color (8 bit)". Choose "24 bit Color" for higher quality.
Only color scanner models support this option. See "Relevant Image Scanner
Specification" in the Appendix.
♦ Black & White
Specifies the processing method when "Black & White" is specified in "Image Mode".
Static Threshold
Executes simple binary processing based on the "Threshold" setting.
SDTC, DTC mode
To enable the auto binary function of the image scanner, specify this option.
If this option is selected, the "Threshold" setting will be disabled.
In addition, auto binary has two modes: " SDTC Mode" and "DTC Mode". These
modes can be set using the "Advance" dialog box.
"DTC Mode", however, is limited to the image processing options. Therefore, only
scanner models that have image processing options support "DTC Mode". See
"Relevant Image Scanner Specification" in the Appendix.
SDTC mode (Floating Slice)
This option enables scanning and fine binary processing for documents whose
backgrounds are other than white such as newspapers.
Some scanner models do not support this option. See "Image Scanner Specification" in
Advanced DTC
Scan in fine binary mode regardless of the document.
Normal binary mode can’t scan very well faintly toned documents, documents with
colored background, or documents with color charts. Choose this to scan these
documents clearly.