
• Description not specified. (DS00022)
Cause: The description of the setting file has not been specified.
esolution: Enter the description of the setting file in the description field. Then,
try scanning again.
• Filename not specified. (DS00023)
Cause: The filename of the setting file has not been specified.
esolution: Enter the filename of the setting file. Then, try scanning again.
• Specified string is too long. (DS00024)
Cause: The specified string is too long. Up to 128 en-size characters and up to
64 em-size characters can be specified.
esolution: Reduce the number of characters in the string so that they do not
exceed 128 en-size characters. Then, try scanning again.
• Cannot specify next words for filename. \:;?”<> |. (DS00025)
Cause: The specified filename contains one or more of the following
characters: \:;?”<> |.
esolution: Enter a file name that does not contain the above characters. Then,
make the settings again.
• Communication failed (DS42028)
• An abnormality has occurred during communication. Make sure that the power is on,
and that the cable is firmly connected.
• Communication failed. Make sure that the power is on, the cable is firmly connected,
and the scanner is not used by another application.
• An abnormality has occurred during communication.
Cause: Possible causes include the following: an image scanner that is not
supported by this driver has been connected, no image scanner has
been connected, or the cable is not connected.
The scanner is used by other application.
(This Driver cannot be used at the same time with more than one
esolution: Check the connection of the image scanner.
Check that the scanner is not used by other application.
(In case of Windows
XP / Windows Server
2003/Windows Vista
Windows Server
7 [Switch User] lets another user
log on while your programs and files remain open. Therefore, when
you log on with [Switch User], it has the possibility that another user
have already been using the driver.)