
HD Decoder Card Installation Guide
8 Rev. 0.0
To install the MS9200 HD Decoder Card (Rev. D)
The Rev. D HD Card utilizes an additional daughter card (Daughter Card – B) as well as offering all of the
features of the Rev. C card described above.
1. Remove the computer cover to gain access to the PCI card slots
2. Remove the PCI slot covers in the card position(s). Put aside the screws for future use
3. Connect the Daughter Card - A (see previous description, Figure 2), connector labels are different, but
orientation is the same.
4. Connect Daughter Card - B to the main HD Card with the four (4) ribbon cables provided (see Figure 3)
5. Carefully install the HD Card, (and Daughter Cards) in the chosen PCI slots
6. Connect the 26-pin ribbon cable to CN22 on the MS9200 and the PC video card. Make sure that pin 1 is
oriented correctly.
7. Secure the card(s) with the screws removed from the PCI slots
8. Replace the computer cover
9. Replace the AC power cable and turn on the computer