-- 7 --
A dirty air filter decreases engine perform-
ance and increases fuel consumption and
harmful emissions. Always clean after e very
5 hours of operation or yearly, whichever
comes first.
1. Clean the cover and the area a round it to
keep debrisfrom fallinginto thecarburetor
chamber when the cover is removed.
2. Press button to open air filter cover. Re-
move a ir filter.
NOTE:Donot cleanfilter ingasolineorother
flammablesolvent. Doingso can create afire
hazard or produce harmful evaporativeemis-
3. Wash the filter in soap and water.
4. Allow filter to dry.
5. Apply a few drops of oil to the filter;
squeeze filter to distribute oil.
6. Replace parts.
Replace spark plug each year to ensure the
engine starts easier and runs better. Set
spark plug gap at 0.6 mm. Ignition timing is
fixed, nonadjustable.
1. Twist, then pull off spark plug boot.
2. Remove spark plug fromcylinder and dis-
3. Replace with Champion RCJ-6Y spark
plug and tighten securely with a 19 mm
socket wrench.
4. Reinstall the spark plug boot.
There is no screw for idle adjustment on your
blower.T hethrottleleveris usedtocontrolen-
gine speed. The engine speed can be ad-
justed by moving the throttle lever to the left
for low speed or right f or high speed. If your
engine willnot run p roperly oryou requirefur-
ther assistance, contact an authorized ser-
vice dealer.
WARNING: Prepare unit for storage at
end ofseason o r ifit will notbe used for 30 d ays
or more.
S Allow engine to cool, and secure the unit be-
fore storing or transporting.
S Store unit and fuel in a well ventilated area
where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or
open flames from water heaters, e lectric m o-
tors or switches, furnaces, etc.
S Store unitwith a llguards i nplace. Positionunit
so that any sharp object cannot accidentally
cause inj ury .
S Store unit andfuel well out ofthereach ofchil-
S If your unit is to be stored for a period of time,
clean i t t horoug hly b efore storage. Store in a
clean dry area.
S Lightly oil external metal surfaces.
S Remove spark plug and pour 1 teaspoon of
2-cycle eng ine oil (air cooled) through the
spark plug opening. Slowly pull the starter
rope 8 to 1 0 times to distribute oil.
S Replace spark plug with new one of recom-
mended type and heat range.
S Clean air filter.
S Check entire unit for loo se screws, nuts, and
bolts. Replace any damaged,broken, orworn
S Start each season using only fresh fuel hav-
ing the proper gasoline to oil ratio.
S Do not store gasoline from one season to
S Replace your gasoline can if it starts to rust.