EU Declaration of Conformity
according to the regulations 98/37/EC, 2004/108/EC,
2000/14/EC+2005/88/EC, 2004/26/EC
For the following equipment / product : Petrol Back Pack Blower
Type Designation : MAC BP290
We herewith confirm to comply with the requirements set out in the Council
Directive 98/37/EC, 2004/108/EC, 2000/14/EC+2005/88/EC, 2004/26/EC.
For the evaluation of the compliance with these Directives, the following
standards were applied:
EN ISO 14982:1998
Sound pressure level : 94 dB(A)
Sound power level : 102 dB(A)
Guarantee sound power level : 104 dB(A)
Importer's Name : Husqvarna AB
Importer's Address : SE-561 82 Huskvarna, Sweden
Person responsible for making this declaration
Name, surname : Ronnie Goldman
: Director of Engineering
Handheld Consumer Products
Shanghai P.R.C. 2008/12/11