
-- 5 --
This section describes the basic safety pre-
cautionsforworkingwiththehedgetrimmer . If
you encounter a situation where you are un -
certainhowtoproceed,youshouldaskane x-
pert. Contact yourauthorised servicedealer .
Avoid allusage which you consider to be be-
yond your capability .
WARNING: Never use a machine
without thepossibility of callingfor helpin the
event of an accident.
D Observe your surroundings to ensure that
people, a nimals or other things cannot affect
your control ofthemachine andto ensurethat
the above mentioned do not come into con-
tact with the cutting equipment or objects that
can be thrown by the cutting equipment.
D Avoid usage in unfavorable weather condi-
tions. For example, thick fog, heavy rain,
strong wi nds o r e xtremecold , e tc. Towork in
bad weather conditions is tiring and can
create dangerous circumstances, e.g. slip-
pery surfaces.
D Make sure you can walk and stand safely.
Look out for any obstacles w ith unexpected
movement (roots, stones, b ranches, pits,
ditches, etc.) Take great care when working
on sloping ground.
D The engine should be switched off before
moving. When m oving over longerdistances
and transporting, the transporting guard
should be used.
D Never put the machine down with the engine
running unless you ha ve good sight o f it.
be able to determ ine your own operating
pace. Conditionssuchasthetypeandsizeof
materialbeing cutwill regulatethe speedand
time required for your job.
D Always use two hands to o perate the unit.
D Allow the cutting blades t o reach full speed
before entering t he material to be cut.
D Alwa ys wo rk g o i n g awa y f ro m p e op l e and
soli d o bjects such a s walls, large stones,
trees, automobiles, etc.
D If the b la de stalls, immediatel y s top the e n-
gine. Make sure the ignition switch is off, the
spark p lugis disconnected, andthebladehas
stopped moving before clearing jammed de-
bris from the cutting blade. Inspect the blade
for damage and have it repaired or replaced
as needed.
D Always keep t he air vents clean. Stop t he
unit, m ake sure t he c utting blade has com-
pletely stopped moving, an d disconnect t he
spark pl ug before clean ing.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Exposure t o vibrations
through prolonged use o f gasoline powered
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve
damage inthe fingers, hands, andjoints ofpeo-
ple p rone t o circulation disorders or abno rmal
swelling. Prolonged use in cold weather has
been lin ked to blood vessel damage i n other-
wisehealthy people.Ifsymptoms occur suchas
numbness,pain,lossof strength,changeinskin
color or texture, o r loss o f feeling in the fingers,
hands, or joints, discontinue the use of this tool
and seek medical attention. An antivibration
system does not g uarantee the avoidance of
theseproblems.Users whooperatepowertools
on a continual and regular basis must monitor
closely theirphysicalconditionandthecondition
of this tool.
the empty fuel tank.
No assembly is requi red.
WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel
information inthe safety rules before you be-
gin. Ifyou d ono tunderstandthe safetyrules,
do not attempt to fuel your unit.
WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly
when refueling.
This engine is certified to operate on un-
leaded petrol. Before operation, petrol must
be mixed with a good quality 2-stroke air-
cooled engine oil. Mix pet roland oil at a ratio
of 40:1 ( 2.5%). A 40:1 r atio is obtained by
mixing 5liters ofunleadedpetrolwith 0,125li-
terofoil. DONOTUSEautomotiveoilorboat
oil. These oils will cause engine damage.
When mixing fuel, follow instructions printed
on oil container. Once oil is add ed to petrol,
shake container momentarily to assure that
thefuelisthoroughlymixed. Alwaysreadand
follow the safety rules relating to fuel b efore
fueling your unit.
Experience indicates that alcohol blended fuels
(called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol)
can attract moisture which leads to separation
and formation of acids during storage. Acidic
gas can damage t he fuel system of an engine
while in storage. To avoid engine problems,
empty the fuel system before storage for 30
days or longer . Drain the gas tank, start the e n-
gineand letitrununtil thefuellines andcarbure-
tor are empty . Use fresh fuel next season.Nev-
er use engine or carburetor cleaner products in
the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur .