Getting Started with McAfee VirusScan Home Edition
26 McAfee VirusScan Home Edition
You can also attempt to obtain an antidote from A.V.E.R.T. using
WebImmune at www.webimmune.net.
Network Associates reserves the right to use any information you
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Safe & Sound
Safe & Sound is a unique backup utility that automatically creates backup files
of your documents as you work on them. You can configure Safe & Sound to
back up to a different drive, across a network connection, or to a protected area
within your local (c:\) drive. If your files become corrupted due to a virus, or
your system crashes, or if you lose your files, McAfee’s Safe & Sound utility
provides you the ability to recover files using the Safe & Sound Windows or
DOS recover utility.
Please note, Safe & Sound is a VirusScan utility that is only functional when
McAfee VirusScan Home Edition is installed in conjunction with a Windows
98, Windows 98 SE, or Windows Me operating system.
How Safe & Sound creates automatic backups
When you select to have Safe & Sound automatically create a backup set for
you, it creates the first backup set while you are stepping through the Safe &
Sound Wizard. Thereafter, while the Enable Automatic Backup option is
selected, it continues to update your backup set at the time delay you’ve
specified. If you chose to make Mirror backups, Safe & Sound updates your
backup set at the same time that you re-save the original source files.
Defining your backup strategy
After you decide which backup type you want to use (either a protected
volume file or a directory backup set), the most important questions you must
answer when defining your own backup strategy are:
Where will you store the backup set?
In today’s computer marketplace, you may discover that it is as cost effective
to acquire a separate backup hard drive where you can keep a current mirror
backup copy of one or more other drives that you use on your PC.
In addition, you may want the backup copy to be stored at a remote location,
for increased protection. As long as Safe & Sound can access a logical drive
mapped on your PC, it can store the backup set there. That is, the backup set
can be stored on a shared network drive.
What files are important (which files must be backed up)?