
Maxtor Atlas 10K V 5-25
Table 5-34 Device Identification Page - Field Description Command Support Data Pages
An application client can request command support data by setting the CmdDt bit of
the INQUIRY command to 1, and specifying the SCSI operation code of the
Command Descriptor Block (CDB) for which it wants information.
Format of the command support data and definitions of the fields follow in Table 5-
35, Table 5-36, and Table 5-37.
Table 5-35 Command Support Data Page-Data Format
Field Definition
Code Set
This field specifies the code set used for the Identifier field. Applicable values are:
Value Description
0h Reserved
1h The Identifier field contains binary values
2h The Identifier field contains ASCII graphic codes (code values 20h through 7Eh)
3h – Fh Reserved
This field specifies the entity with which the Identifier field is associated. Applicable
values are:
Value Description
0h The Identifier field is associated with the addressed physical or logical device.
1h The identifier field is associated with the port that received the request.
2h – 3h Reserved
Identifier Type
This field specifies the format and assignment authority for the identifier. Values in
this field are:
Value Description
0h No assignment authority was used; there is no guarantee that the identifier is glo-
bally unique (vendor-specific).
1h The first 8 bytes of the Identifier field represent the Vendor ID.
2h The Identifier field contains an IEEE Extended Unique Identifier, 64-bit (EUI-64).
The Identifier Length field (Byte 7) is set to 8.
3h Not applicable; for Fibre Channel devices.
4h Not applicable; if the Association value = 1h, the value of the Identifier contains a
4-byte, binary number that identifies the port relative to the other ports in the device.
5h - Fh Reserved
0 Peripheral Qualifier
= 0
Peripheral Device Type = 0
(Direct Access Device)
1 Reserved Support
2 ISO Version ECMA Version ANSI-Approved Version
3 – 4 Reserved
5 CDB Size (m – 5)
6 – m
CDB Usage Data