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Rec Format
The PMD671 can record from analog or digital
inputs, on one channel (mono) or two (stereo), in
PCM at 24 or 16 bits, and in MP2 or MP3 com-
pression formats.
For given channels and formats the PMD671 can
record at several bit rates and sample frequen-
The file extension (.wav, .mpg, .mp3) is set by the
file format chosen (PCM, MP2, MP3) except for
BWF files (Broadcast Wave Format). The BWF
file extension can be either .wav, or .bwf.
As audio quality goes up (more bits, less com-
pression, higher sampling frequency, greater bit
rate), the amount of information recorded in-
creases so the amount of time that can be re-
corded on a CF card of a specific size goes
down. See Recording time chart on page 57.
The PMD671 has a sizeable range of file format
parameter choices available, but it does not
present you with every possible combination.
Your decisions about which File Format param-
eters to use will depend on the quality level you
need for the purpose(s) of your recording versus
limitations in recording time.
At very high audio quality levels, processor power also
becomes a limitation. The RAW (Read After Write) and Time
Shift features are processor intensive, so in some instances
the MONITOR and Verify features and 24-bit recording
cannot be used simutaneously. See charts on page 14.
The File Format chart below follows the PMD671
File Format menu setting procedure as you read
columns from left to right.
A full size copy of this chart is on page 58.
Rec Format Chart
The RecFormat setting procedure is usually
unnecessary for Digital Input. See page 34. The
following applies to inputs from MIC, LINE IN,
and the Internal mic.
Choose between Stereo and Mono recording
(two or one channel). For PCM recording, Stereo
is about twice as time intensive as Mono.
Choose between PCM (16 or 24 bit) or a com-
pression format (MP2 or MP3).
Fs (Sampling Frequency)
Choose the Sample Frequency (in kHz).
Bit rate
You can select a bit rate in kilobits per second
(kbps) for a compression format (MP2 or MP3).
File ext. (File extension)
In most cases, you have chosen the file exten-
sion by choosing the Format. If you desire a
BWF file choose between .wav and .bwf for the
file extension.
16 bit
24 bit
16 bit
(80, 64, 40, 32, 24, 16)
24, 22.05, 16
(160, 128, 80, 64, 40, 32)
48, 44.1, 32
(192, 128, 96, 64, 48, 32)
48, 44.1, 32
16, 12, 11.025, 8
48, 44.1, 32, 24, 22.05,
96, 88.2, 48, 44.1
BWF ext.
(160, 128, 80, 64, 40, 32)
24, 22.05, 16
(320, 256, 160, 128, 80, 64)
48, 44.1, 32
(384, 256, 192, 128, 96, 64)
48, 44.1, 32
24 bit
16, 12, 11.025, 8
48, 44.1, 32, 24, 22.05,
96, 88.2, 48, 44.1
File ext.
Fs kHz and
(Bit rate kbps)