[3]-7. Impact bolt in Tool holder complete for BHR262, HR262D)/
Tool holder guide complete for BHR262T, HR262TD
(1) When Striker is left in Tool holder (guide) complete, push Striker out of Tool holder (guide) complete
by inserting 1R281 from the top end then by striking 1R281 with plastic hammer.
(2) Remove Tool holder (guide) section as instructed in [3]-5.
(3) Remove Ring spring 28 from Tool holder (guide) complete and disassemble Impact bolt section. (Figs. 38 to 41)
Ring spring 28
Ring spring 28 can be pulled off
from Tool holder (guide) complete
when completely removed from
the groove.
Disassemble Impact bolt
section by striking Tool
holder (guide) complete
against workbench.
Be sure to replace Ring spring 28
when assembling Tool holder (guide)
Fig. 40 Fig. 41
Tool holder (guide) complete
Sleeve 9
Impact bolt
Ring 10
Cushion ring 13
O ring case with
O ring 9 fit inside
Impact bolt section
Fig. 39
Fig. 38
Ring spring 28
If the end gap of Ring spring 28 is in the hole of
Tool holder (guide) complete, slide it with a slotted
screwdriver until it is completely hidden.
Insert 1R249 into Tool holder (guide) complete from
Inner housing complete side, then put it on arbor press table
as drawn on the right.
Press down Tool holder (guide) complete using arbor press.
Using slotted screwdriver and plastic hammer,
tap Ring spring 28 through the two holes located on the
opposite side to each other alternately to push the ring down
out of the groove inside Tool holder (guide) complete.
Tool holder (guide) complete
P 15/22
end gap of Ring spring 28
Tool holder (guide) complete
[Cap 35 side]
[Inner housing
complete side]
[Cap 35 side]
[Inner housing complete side]
Ring spring 28
Tool holder (guide) complete