Control Panel
1 VOLUME +/- u,_ p.13
Press to adjust the volume up/down or move dght
(+)/left (-) through the main menu tems.
2 CHANNEL +/- ,,_ p.12
Press to select channels or move up (+)/down (-)
through the main menu items.
3 MENU u,l. p.15 i
4 SOURCE ,,,..p.12
5 POWER (_ ,,,,_p.11
Press to turn the unit on and go into standby mode.
[o completely turn offthe unit, you must unplug the AC
power cord.
6 Infrared sensor window
Receives infrared rays transmtted from the remote
7 Standbyindicator
Lights up red when the unt is n s_Landby mode.
8 Power on indicator
Lights up white when power is on.
Side Panel
9 HDMI/HDMI-DVI Input jack ....• p.10, 25
10 ComponentlComposite(CVBS)Video Input jacks
forVIDEO ....m.p.25,26
CompositeV deo Input jack (CVBS) is shared lack wth
ComponentVideo Input (Y)jack.
11 Analog Audio (L/R)Input jacks
,. p,0,2s,26i
Connect Analog
Component Video/Analog Audio (L/R) jacks sgnal or
HDNI DVI/Analog Audio (L/R) jacks signal or
CompositeV deo/Analog Audo (L/R) jad<s sgnal or
PC Connect on/Analog Audo (L!R) jacks signal with
stereo mni plug conversion cable lad< on PC. [
Analog Audo (L!R) input jacks are rght below the
ComponentVideo Input jacks.When the Audio is
monaural, then only connect to the Audio L input jack.
12 Antenna Input jack u,_ p.10
13 Headphone Audio Output jack
Headphone connection for personal listen ng.
Rear Panel
14 AC power cord u,_ p.10
15 USB terminal u,_ p.27
Use this terminal only to play back the jPEG p cture
file stored on a USB storage devce, or when software
update is needed.
16 Digital Audio Output jack u,_ p.26
17 PC (VGA)Input jack u,_ p.26
to do the software update themse ves.