
D8B Manual • Chapter 4 • page 132
Exit Write Ready mode in the Options>Automation
Start Playback/Record Device and Verify MTC
Press the Write Button(s) on the Desired Channels
Adjust Automation Parameters on the WRITE-
Enabled Channels
Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track
Start Playback from Beginning of Track
Repeat this Action for More Parameters
Write Punch-in Summary Checklist
Choose Automation Mode (All Modes Function as
Start Playback/Record Device and Verify MTC
Use Channel Faders to Boost or Cut Previously
Automated Channel Data
Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track
Start Playback from Beginning of Track
Repeat this Action for More Parameters
Exit Trim Levels to Return Faders to Normal Mode
Trim Levels Summary Checklist
Exit the AUTO TOUCH and/or TRIM LEVELS Mode
Activate the Desired Automation Parameters
Select Write Ready mode in Options>Automation
Press WRITE on All Desired Automation Channels
Start the Playback Device
Press the D8B Record Button
Adjust faders, mutes, or any selected parameters
on the WRITE enabled channels
Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track
Start Playback from Beginning of Track
Repeat this Action for more channels and
Write Ready Summary Checklist
subtracts the same amount from a previously
adjusted automation track. For example, when used
for faders, all moves are maintained but the overall
volume changes.
Press TRIM LEVELS in the control surface
Automation section, on-screen Locator window,
or in the Options>Automation menu. Notice that
the faders all snap to unity position.
Choose Automation Mode
Even though TRIM LEVELS is selected and
the faders all move to unity position, the automa-
tion modes still retain their operational character.
Use Channel Faders to Boost or Cut Previously
Automated Channel Data
The faders automatically set at unity so they can
be easily used to boost or cut the previously
adjusted track content.
This is an excellent mode to globally adjust
channel levels.
Simply raise or lower the fader level to boost or
cut the sum of your previous adjustments for the
selected channel.
Auto Touch, Write Punch-in, and Write Ready
Modes Function in TRIM mode, also
Automate EQ, Dynamics, and Effects
Automation of EQ, dynamics, and effects is simple.
Select automation mode (ALL).
Start the playback/record device.
Activate automation record command.
Make changes.
In order for these parameters to record, ALL
must be selected in the control surface AUTOMA-
TION section, on-screen Locator window, or in the
Options/Automation window.
Automation Procedural Checklists
These checklists are designed as skeletal
reminders of the processes previously described. If
you follow them and have a basic understanding of
the D8B automation system, they’ll help instill an
efficient automation procedure.
Automation In Bypass
Clear Automation
Save Session As…
Set Up Rough Mix
Save Snapshot For Safety
Route Time Code (MTC) From Playback Device to
D8B MIDI Input
Verify MTC at D8B Transport SMPTE Window
Set Default Levels…
Exit Bypass Mode
Select Parameters
Any Combination of Faders, Mutes, Pans, and All
Automation Start-up Procedure
Enter Auto Touch Mode
Start Playback Device
Move a Channel Fader
Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track
Start Playback from Beginning of Track
Repeat this Action for More Parameters
Auto Touch Summary Checklist