This memory module also houses a battery that preserves all
programming for at least four days in case of a power failure.
In addition, a 450F adapter is included to provide a connection between
the control unit and the Data Collector, and to allow the Data Collector
and the Busy Buster feature to share the same jack on the voice terminal
module. Refer to the Addendum to CIB 3051 for installation instructions.
Follow the procedures listed below for inserting and removing this
memory module.
You will have to readminister and reprogram your voice terminals
after you have installed this memory module.
Make sure the power cord is unplugged and the
power switch on the control unit is set to Off before you insert or
remove any modules. You risk damage to the system and the
modules if the power is on during the installation procedure.
Remove the front cover from the control unit by pressing down on the
two top corner tabs and putting the top away from the control unit
(Figure 2).
Remove the top cover by first unscrewing the screw located at the
center bottom of the cover. (This screw is designed to stay in the
hole of the cover after it has been removed from the control unit.)
Then press down on the tab located at the center of the top and back
edge and pull the top cover away (Figure 2).
To remove the old memory module, depress the tab on top of the
module labeled Press To Remove, grasp the plastic handle on the
front of the memory module and pull the memory module out of the
control unit.