The Home > Internet Radio menu also offers a selection of Internet
radio services, including RadioIO, RadioTime, Live365, and SHOUTCast.
These services help you find radio stations. Some of them offer the
ability to create an account so you can manage lists of stations and
take advantage of other personalization options. For more information,
and to get started setting up the radio services, sign in to SqueezeNetwork
at www.squeezenetwork.com and select Accounts.
Music Services
Online music services provide an interactive experience that goes beyond
ordinary Internet radio. To sign up for these services, sign in to your
SqueezeNetwork account at www.squeezenetwork.com and select Accounts.
MP3tunes allows you to listen to your entire digital music collection on your
Squeezebox without the need for a computer. We offer a 60-day free trial
Premium Music Locker through MP3tunes, which includes unlimited space to
upload your music collection online.
Live Music Archive
The Live Music Archive project, jointly run by The Internet Archive
(archive.org) and eTree (etree.org), preserves and archives as many
live concerts as possible for current and future generations to enjoy.
More than 45,000 live performances are available at no charge to you.