
Wireless-G Phone for Skype
Chapter 3: Getting Started
Wireless-G Phone for Skype Access Point
Wireless-G Phone for Skype Access Point
The Wireless-G Skype phone requires a wireless connection to a Wi-Fi access point to operate. The access point
must also have an internet connection to make Skype calls.
You can configure the phone to connect to a specific wireless network or search for “open” networks. Wireless
network information is stored in the phone’s memory as “Preferred Networks” that are searched for each time
the phone is powered on.
When powering on the Wireless-G Skype phone for the first time, there are no Preferred Networks in the phone’s
memory. You need to select a wireless network and sign into your Skype account before you can make calls.
The information that follows assumes that you already have an established wireless access point. If you need
more information on access points or networks, visit www.linksys.com.