Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-G Access Point with Power Over Ethernet
The Wireless - Basic Wireless Settings Tab
Wireless-G Access Point with Power Over Ethernet
Fallback feature. Auto-Fallback will automatically negotiate the best possible connection speed between the
Access Point and a wireless device.
Access Point VLAN ID. Enter the VLAN ID of the Access Point. Make sure this matches at least one of the VLAN
IDs listed in the aforementioned table.
Wireless Channel. Select the appropriate channel from the list provided; this will be the channel that all of your
wireless devices will use.
Wireless SSID Broadcast. This feature allows the main SSID to be broadcast by the Access Point. You may want
to enable this function while configuring your network, but make sure that you disable it when you are finished.
With this enabled, someone could easily obtain the SSID information with site survey software and gain
unauthorized access to your main network. Click Enabled to broadcast the main SSID to all wireless devices in
range. Click Disabled to increase network security and block the main SSID from being seen on networked PCs.
Change these settings as described here and click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes. Click Help for more information.
NOTE: You must use the Access Point VLAN ID for one of your wireless networks in order to
maintain access to the Access Point’s Web-based Utility.
NOTE: Only the main SSID of the Access Point can be broadcast. The Access Point cannot
broadcast any of its Virtual SSIDs.