Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-G ADSL Home Gateway
The Setup Tab
Wireless-G ADSL Home Gateway
• Local IP Address. The default value is
• Subnet Mask. The default value is
• Network Address Server Settings (DHCP). Configure the Gateway’s Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) settings in this section.
• Local DHCP Server. A Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server automatically assigns an IP
address to each computer on your network for you. Unless you already have one, it is highly
recommended that you leave the Gateway enabled as a DHCP server. You can also use the Gateway in
DHCP Relay mode.
• DHCP Relay Server. If you enable the DHCP Relay mode for the Local DHCP Server setting, enter the IP
address for the DHCP server in the fields provided.
• Starting IP Address. Enter a value for the DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses. This value
must be 192.168.1. 2 or greater, because the default IP address for the Gateway is
• Maximum Number of DHCP Users. Enter the maximum number of users/clients that can obtain an IP
address. The number will vary depending on the starting IP address entered.
• Client Lease Time. The Client Lease Time is the amount of time a computer will be allowed connection to
the Gateway with its current dynamic IP address. Enter the amount of time, in minutes, that the computer
will be “leased” this dynamic IP address.
• Static DNS 1-3. The Domain Name System (DNS) is how the Internet translates domain or website names
into Internet addresses or URLs. Your ISP will provide you with at least one DNS Server IP Address. You
can enter up to three DNS Server IP Addresses here. The Gateway will use these for quicker access to
functioning DNS servers.
• WINS. The Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) converts NetBIOS names to IP addresses. If you use a
WINS server, enter that server’s IP address here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
• Time Setting. Select the appropriate time zone for the Gateway’s location. If desired, check the
Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes checkbox.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Figure 5-9: Optional Settings