Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-G ADSL Home Gateway
The Setup Tab
Wireless-G ADSL Home Gateway
• Pcr Rate: For the Peak Cell Rate, divide the DSL line rate by 424 to get the maximum rate the sender can
send cells. Enter the rate in the field (if required by your service provider).
• Scr Rate: The Sustain Cell Rate sets the average cell rate that can be transmitted. The SCR value is
normally less than the PCR value. Enter the rate in the field (if required by your service provider).
• Autodetect: Select Enable to have the settings automatically entered, or select Disable to enter the
values manually.
• Virtual Circuit: These fields consist of two items: VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) and VCI (Virtual Channel
Identifier). Your ISP will provide the correct settings for these fields.
• IP Settings. Follow the instructions in the section for your type of encapsulation.
RFC 1483 Bridged
Dynamic IP
IP Settings. Select Obtain an IP Address Automatically if your ISP says you are connecting through a
dynamic IP address.
Static IP
If you are required to use a permanent (static) IP address to connect to the Internet, then select Use the
following IP Address.
• Internet IP Address. This is the Gateway’s IP address, when seen from the WAN, or the Internet. Your ISP
will provide you with the IP Address you need to specify here.
• Subnet Mask. This is the Gateway’s Subnet Mask. Your ISP will provide you with the Subnet Mask.
• Gateway. Your ISP will provide you with the default Gateway Address, which is the ISP server’s IP address.
• Primary DNS (Required) and Secondary DNS (Optional). Your ISP will provide you with at least one DNS
(Domain Name System) Server IP Address.
Figure 5-3: RFC 1483 Bridged - Dynamic IP
Figure 5-4: RFC 1483 Bridged - Static IP