Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide 52
SDP Payload Types
Setting SIP Parameters
• No UDP Checksum: Select yes if you want the SPA9x2 to calculate the UDP header
checksum for SIP messages. Since this involves computation load, you should keep the
default value (no) to disable it.
SDP Payload Types
Configured dynamic payloads are used for outbound calls only when the SPA9x2 presents an
SDP offer. For inbound calls with an SDP offer, the phone follows the caller’s assigned dynamic
payload type.
SPA9x2s use the configured codec names in outbound SDP. For incoming SDP with standard
payload types of 0-95, the SPA9x2 ignores the codec names. For dynamic payload types, the
SPA9x2 identifies the codec by the configured codec names (comparison is case-sensitive).
SDP Payload Parameters
• INFOREQ Dynamic Payload: This parameter defines the Codec Number used in the SIP
messaging for the Dynamic Payload size mechanism. This number should match the
number configured in the network/other party to enable the use of Dynamic Payload. The
est range is 96-127 for any dynamic payload type.
Defaults to blank.
NAT Support Parameters