Chapter 3
Advanced Configuration
EtherFast Cable/DSL VPN Router with 4-Port Switch
Administration > Management
Gateway Password
Local Gateway Access
To ensure the Router’s security, you will be asked for your
password when you access the Router’s web-based utility.
The default is admin.
Gateway Password Enter a new password for the
Re-enter to confirm Enter the password again to
Remote Gateway Access
Remote Administration To permit remote access of the
Router, from outside the local network, select Enabled.
Otherwise, keep the default, Disabled.
Administration Port Enter the port number that will be
open to outside access.
NOTE: When you are in a remote location
and wish to manage the Router, enter
depending on whether you use HTTP or HTTPS.
Enter the Router’s specific Internet IP address
in place of <Internet_IP_address>, and enter
the Administration Port number in place of the
word port.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely
used network monitoring and control protocol. Network
supervisors can use SNMP to monitor the Router using
network management systems.
Data is passed from an SNMP agent, such as the Router,
to the workstation console used to oversee the network.
The Router then returns information contained in a
Management Information Base (MIB), a data structure that
defines what is obtainable from the device and what can
be controlled.
SNMP functions, such as statistics, configuration, and
device information, are not available without third-party
management software. The Router is compatible with all
HP OpenView compliant software.
Enabled/Disabled To use SNMP, select Enabled.
Otherwise, keep the default, Disabled.
Device Name The name of the Router is displayed.
Get Community Enter the password that allows read-only
access to the Router’s SNMP information.
Set Community Enter the password that allows read/
write access to the Router’s SNMP information.
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) allows Windows XP to
automatically configure the Router for various Internet
applications, such as gaming and videoconferencing.
UPnP If you want to use UPnP, keep the default setting,
Enabled. Otherwise, select Disabled.
Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Administration > Log
The Router can keep logs of all traffic for your Internet
Administration > Log
Email Alerts
E-mail Alerts To have logs or alert messages e-mailed to
you, select Enable. Otherwise, select Disable.