
Installing the EtherFast
Compact USB Network Adapter
The following instructions will help you connect your computer to your net-
work through your EtherFast
10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter. After
you physically install the adapter, install the adapter’s driver software onto your
computer and configure your computer to access your network.
1. Insert the Adapter’s USB end or the
end of the USB extension cable con-
nected to the Adapter (the type A con-
nector) into the USB port on your PC.
2. Attach one end of an Ethernet cable into the Adapter’s RJ-45 port.
3. Plug the other end of the RJ-45 cable into a network Ethernet or Fast
Ethernet hub, switch, or router. If you plan to use both 10BaseT and
100Mbps network segments on the same network, you'll need a dual-speed
hub or switch that allows segments of different speeds to communicate.
Your computer is now connected to your Ethernet or Fast Ethernet net-
work. Proceed to the section regarding your Operating System for
instructions on how to Install and Setup the Adapter’s drivers.
USB cabling and port infor-
mation can be found in the
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Connecting to the Network
10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
Instant EtherFast
The Compact USB Network Adapter comes with one USB extension cable.
One end of the USB cable has a rectangular plug, which is called a Type A
male connector. The other end of the cable has a larger rectangular plug, which
is a Type A female connector.
The USB cable’s Type A female end connects to the USB device—in this case
the Compact USB Network Adapter. The Type A male end connects to a com-
puter’s USB port.
The picture below shows two USB ports as they might be found on your com-
puter. Note the two USB icons above the port.
USB Cabling
Type A female
Type A male