
5. Attach the power cable from the drive tray to
your hard drive, as shown in Figure B-3. The
power cable is the smaller of the two cables
in the drive tray. Be sure to plug this secure-
ly into your hard drive.
6. Review the connections. It should
look like the image in Figure B-4.
You will want to make sure these
connections are tight before securing
the drive to the tray.
7. Insert a screw through the
tray’s left side, as shown in
Figure B-5, and into your
drive. Tighten it to secure
the drive to the tray on the
Appendix B: Installing a Second
Hard Drive
When you’re ready to install a second hard drive
into the GigaDrive, follow these directions:
1. Power down the GigaDrive by pressing the
switch on the back. Then, unplug the Gigadrive.
2. Unlock the second drive bay, as shown in Figure
B-1. This bay is empty and is where your new
drive will reside.
3. Make sure that your hard drive’s jumpers “Master/Slave” settings are set to
“Cable Select” before putting it in the drive tray. For instructions on your
hard drive’s jumper settings, refer to the documentation that came with your
hard drive.
4. Attach the IDE cable from the drive tray
to your hard drive, as shown in Figure
B-2. The IDE cable is the wider of the
two cables in the drive tray. Be sure to
plug this securely into your hard drive.
Network Attached Storage
Figure B-3
Figure B-4
Figure B-5
Instant GigaDrive
Important: This GigaDrive supports IDE Ultra DMA (or UDMA)
hard drives with a throughput of 33 - 66 Mbps (ATA/33, ATA/66)
and a rotation speed of 5400 or 7200 rpms.
Figure B-1
Figure B-2