Instant Broadband Series
The 4-Port Router’s Front Panel LEDs
The LAN Indicators
Power Green. The Power LED illuminates when the Router is pow-
ered on.
Link/Act Green. The Link/Act LED serves two purposes. If the LED
is continuously illuminated, the Router is successfully con-
nected to a device through the corresponding port (1, 2, 3
or 4). If the LED is flickering, the Router is actively send-
ing or receiving data over that port.
Full/Col Green. The Full/Col LED also serves two purposes. If this
LED is continuously illuminated, the connection made
through the corresponding port is successfully running in
Full Duplex mode. If the LED is flickering, the connection
is experiencing collisions. Infrequent collisions are normal.
If this LED is flickering too often, there may be a problem
with your connection. Check the Troubleshooting section on
page 30 if you think there is a problem.
100 or 10/100 Orange. The 100 LED illuminates when a successful
100Mbps connection is made through the corresponding
BEFSR41 User Guide Apr 2000.qxd 4/27/00 3:20 PM Page 4