Appendix B: Configuring IPSec between a Windows 2000 or XP Computer and the Gateway
How to Establish a Secure IPSec Tunnel
ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch
7. Select the Tunnel Setting tab, shown in Figure C-16, and click The tunnel endpoint is specified by this IP
Address radio button. Then, enter the Router’s WAN IP Address.
8. Select the Connection Type tab, as shown in Figure C-17, and click All network connections. Then, click
the OK or Close button to finish this rule.
Tunnel 2: Router->win
9. In the new policy’s properties screen, shown in Figure C-18, make sure that “win -> Router” is selected and
deselect the Use Add Wizard check box. Then, click the Add button to create the second IP filter.
Figure B-16: Tunnel Setting Tab
Figure B-17: Connection Type Tab
Figure B-18: Properties Screen