Contents Introduction
The Model AE-1000 Telephone Entry & Access Control System
is designed for use as a primary access control device for gated
communities, parking garages, offi ce buildings, apartments, dormitories,
hotels/motels, commercial buildings and recreational facilities.
Housed in a locked, rugged stainless steel faced enclosure, the AE-1000
features a side-lit 12-key telephone style keypad with bright, easy-to-read
graphics, a backlit two-line directory display with programmable welcome
message, a built-in microphone, speaker, and provision for an optional
color CCTV camera. The cabinet is monitored with a magnetic “tamper”
The four relay output channels can be programmed to control electric
door strikes, magnetic locks, door & gate operators, or barrier gates.
The system utilizes hands-free, full duplex telephone communications
between visitors and residents for granting access. Complete access
control event logging, access time restriction, access location
restriction, and administration functions are also available to manage
the installation.
The AE-1000 is network ready. Multiple units can be interconnected on a
3-wire RS-485 network.
Two Wiegand inputs are available for connection of 26, 30, or 31-bit
Wiegand devices (card readers, etc.). Three sets of PBUS inputs are
available for connection to Linear’s line of remote accessories.
In a typical installation, the unit’s memory would be programmed with
each resident’s name and directory code number. Arriving visitors
would use the keypad on the AE-1000 to view the directory names and
directory number for the desired resident. Upon entering the directory
number, the AE-1000 will automatically dial the resident’s telephone
number and establish two-way voice communication between the visitor
and the resident. The resident will then have the option to grant or deny
access to the visitor by pressing a digit on their telephone.
In addition to the telephone entry, the AE-1000 can grant access using
entry codes at the local or remote keypads. Also remote receivers, card
readers, and interior and exterior keypads can be used with the system.
Block coded MegaCode
transmitters can be used to gain access
through the AE-1000’s built-in or remote radio receivers. Each transmitter
can be individually suspended or re-activated.
The system’s clock/calendar can control access based on specifi c times
and dates. Automatic relay activation can be scheduled. Access can be
restricted to certain times and dates. Holiday access can be scheduled.
The system’s event log records system activity for future reference.
220777 C IMAGE 2
Introduction ........................................................................... 2
Operation ............................................................................... 2
Hardware Features ................................................................ 3
Software Highlights ............................................................... 3
Feature Overview ................................................................... 3
Accessory Overview ............................................................... 4
PBUS Accessories .................................................................. 4
Wiegand Accessories ............................................................. 4
Component Locations ............................................................ 5
Wiring Diagram ...................................................................... 6
Important Mounting Requirements ......................................... 7
Entry System Mounting .......................................................... 8
Entry System Mounting (Continued) ....................................... 9
Relay Output Wiring ..............................................................10
Power, Battery, & Ground Wiring ...........................................11
RS-232 Port ..........................................................................11
Telephone Wiring ..................................................................12
Optional Radio Antenna .........................................................12
Optional Postal Lock .............................................................13
Optional Color CCTV Camera ................................................13
PBUS Accessories .................................................................14
Wiegand Accessories ............................................................14
Optional Network Connection ................................................15
System Adjustments .............................................................16
System Diagnostics ..............................................................16
Internal Controls ...................................................................17
AE-1000 Operation ................................................................18
Specifi cations .......................................................................19
Dimension Drawing ...............................................................19
Troubleshooting ................................................................... 20
Linear Limited Warranty ....................................................... 20
FCC Notice ........................................................................... 20