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Now you are ready. Follow these simple steps:
1. Sit comfortably with your left arm resting
on a flat surface so that the center of
your upper arm is at the same height as
your heart.
2. Lay left arm on the table, palm up and
thread cuff end through metal loop,
smooth side against arm. Then position
the tube off-center toward the inner side
of arm in line with the little finger.
3. Pull the end of the cuff to tighten it, fold
back the extra material, and fasten
securely. The cuff should be snug but
not too tight. You should be able to
insert two fingers between the cuff and
your arm.
☞ IMPORTANT: Measure pressure at the same time each day.
4. Designate yourself as User 1 or User 2. To keep track of your
previous blood pressure measurements accurately, User 1
should use the START 1 button and User 2 should use the
START 2 button.
5. Press the START 1 or START 2 button. Your
average blood pressure reading will appear with
the number of measurements stored in memory
flashing three times. As the cuff pressurizes, the
Pressure Indicator will show on the display
screen. It is normal for the cuff to feel very tight.
The UA-774 has several modes available to fit your blood pressure
monitoring needs.
Normal Measurement with Readings Stored in Memory
Press the START 1 or START 2 button. Your blood pressure is
measured and the reading is stored into memory. Each START
button can store up to 30 readings in memory.
Recalling Previous Measurements
To recall previous measurements in memory, press and hold the
START 1 or START 2 button. Release the button after you see the
first reading recalled from memory. The previous measurements
are displayed from most recent to oldest.
Clearing Memory
Remove batteries to clear memory. Insert batteries again to resume
blood pressure measurements.
Taking a Measurement without Reading Stored in Memory
(Guest Mode)
This mode can be used when there is a third person taking
measurements or storing readings in memory is not desired. Press
both the START 1 and START 2 buttons at the same time. A
reading will be taken, but not stored into memory.
Tips for Blood Pressure Monitoring:
☞ Relax for about 5 to 10 minutes before measurement.
☞ Remove constricting clothing and place cuff on bare arm.
☞ Unless your physician recommends otherwise, use left arm to
measure pressur
In Canada (Toll-Free): 1-800-463-5414