It is possible during a workout, to switch to another workout program. After a switch, the console
retains all the progress information about the workout since its beginning. To change workouts “on
the fly,” simply press CHANGE WORKOUT and then choose a new workout. To switch to a new
workout, and restart the progress information, choose CHANGE WORKOUT and then RESET.
It is possible during a workout, to change a workout goal (Time, Distance, Calories, and Time in Zone
for heart rate programs). To adjust a goal type or choose a different goal, select Change Workout, and
then ADJUST GOAL which accesses the goal type screen defaulted to the current goal type and value. To
change the goal value, use the ARROW buttons or the NUMERIC keypad, change the value, and then
select Enter. To change the goal type, choose a different goal, enter a value, and select ENTER. After the
switch, the console retains all the progress information about the workout since its beginning.
Press this key to stop the belt and hold the current workout. A RESUME WORKOUT button
appears on the Touchscreen. Continue the workout by selecting RESUME WORKOUT or by
pressing the PAUSE key a second time. The pause duration defaults to 5 minute (configurable by
the user), after which, the console returns to the Welcome Screen.
A workout can also be paused by using ZEROUT speed control. If, during a workout, a user
decreases the speed to the minimum and continues to hold the DECREASE SPEED ARROW,
the speed falls to 0 (zero) MPH, which is pause mode. The minimum speed is 0.5 MPH, unless
changed in My Configuration. See section 5.2, My Configuration Settings, for more information.
To end a workout early, press COOLDOWN on the Control Panel to go directly into the Cooldown phase.
The program will designate a Cooldown time period in proportion to the amount of time spent in the work-
out. Upon completion of Cooldown, a workout summary will appear, which includes the distance travelled,
the total calories burned, and other statistics. To exit the program without a Cooldown press the STOP but-
ton or select CHANGE PROGRAM, and then RESET
Defined by the American College of Sports Medicine's "Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription" as equal to
220 minus an individual’s age.
* Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum (HRmax). A 40-year-old user's recommended THR
for the CARDIO workout is 144, or 80 percent of the maximum; so the equation would be (220-40)*.80 = 144.