HILL + are workouts in which intensity levels increase and decrease in set patterns. The following workouts may be
accessed with this button:
AROUND THE WORLD is an interval-training workout in which the hills resemble scenes of various geographical
FOOTHILLS is a rolling hill workout with low intensity levels.
KILIMANJARO is a hill workout in which the intensity levels gradually incline toward one ultimate peak and then
gradually decline.
CASCADES is a two-peak workout in which intensity levels gradually increase and decrease.
ADVANCED WORKOUTS are customized workouts designed for the advanced user not used in connection with a per-
sonal trainer. These workouts include:
LIFE FITNESS FIT TEST estimates cardiovascular fitness compared to other people of the same age and gen-
NAVY PHYSICAL READINESS TEST (PRT) is a 12-minute test that can be used as a low impact alternative to
the Navy 1.5 mile (2.4 km) run. This program is designed to use caloric expenditure and body weight to output a
corresponding 1.5 mile run time to the workout selected. Ratings are then provided using age, gender, and eleva-
tion of the test site.
AIR FORCE PHYSICAL READINESS TEST (PRT) is a 1.5 mile (2.4 km) physical performance test used to
assess muscular endurance and cardiorespiratory fitness.
CREATE YOUR OWN workouts enable the user to design personalized workouts based on LEVEL INTERVAL or
on HEART RATE INTERVAL. Users enter a total workout time and select the number of intervals in their workout
(30 interval maximum). The time of each interval is determined by dividing the total workout time by the number
of intervals. Heart rate or level (depending on workout type) can also be selected for each interval. Users cannot
name or save Create Your Own Workouts. CREATE YOUR OWN WORKOUTS may be disabled through the
manager’s configuration screen (See Section 5.2 Configuration Menu, Manager’s Configuration 2, Create Your
Own Configuration, for details). Users cannot name and save their workout.
These training programs are preset custom workouts created by the facility training professional. The workouts
may be LEVEL INTERVAL or HEART RATE INTERVAL workouts created for specific results. Each Custom
Workout can have up to four different setups. The training professional can create customized workout names for
each setup. Consult the facility training professional for details on individual Custom Workouts.
WATTS/METS allows the user to select the equivalent of the work rate to be shown in Watts or METs.