K - Digital output loss-
of-power jumper
One of eight output jumpers. Each digital output has a
jumper to set the fail-safe position of the output point when
power fails. The OFF position makes the contact Normally
Open (factory default). The ON position makes the contact
Normally Closed.
Note: The jumper position has no effect on the contact
when the Universal Monitor has power.
4.2.3: Setting the Digital Output
9.7.4: Configure Main Board Output
for Loss of Power (“Fail-
L - Digital input
Each of the eight input connections is a two-state point:
ON/OFF (energized/de-energized).
An example of a field digital input point is a leak detector.
4.0: Wiring and Connections -
Main Board
4.2.1: Connecting Digital Inputs
7.5: View Input Status
9.3: Setup System - Setup Input
M - Digital input status
Each input has an LED to indicate its status: ON/OFF
1.9: LED Indicators
N - Analog ground
Connection for an externally powered analog sensor that
needs a reference to ground.
4.3.2: Connecting the Analog
O - Analog input
Each of the four input connections accepts a 4/20 mA
An example of a field analog input point is a temperature
4.0: Wiring and Connections -
Main Board
4.3: Connecting Analog Inputs
7.5: View Input Status
9.5: Setup System - Setup
P - 12VDC/24VDC
analog input jumper
One jumper to select voltage supplied for two-wire analog
sensors. The jumper supplies all four analog input
connectors with the same voltage. Factory default is 24VDC.
4.3.1: Setting the 12VDC/24VDC
Analog Power Jumper
Q - SiteScan Web
connector (EIA422)
Connection to monitor Universal Monitor from Liebert’s
SiteScan Web graphical monitoring package.
4.0: Wiring and Connections -
Main Board
4.5: EIA422 SiteScan Web
R - EIA485 connector
Connection to optional Expansion Board (purchased
separately). Connect maximum of one Expansion Board.
4.0: Wiring and Connections -
Main Board
5.3.1: Connect EIA485 Connectors
to Main Board
S - Serial interface
connector (RS232/
Connection for laptop or video terminal. Used for
configuration and monitoring using the Service Terminal
Interface. Requires a null modem cable for connectivity
(P/N 201258P1).
4.6.1: RS232 Connector
A.2: Connecting to the Service
Terminal Interface
T - Phone line
Connection for phone line. Used for pager notifications,
service phone number, and configuration and monitoring
using the Service Terminal Interface. Requires an RJ11
4.6.2: Phone Line Connector
9.8: Setup System - Setup
Modem & Pagers
9.9.6: Setup Serv Ph Num - Enter
Phone Number
A.2: Connecting to the Service
Terminal Interface
U - Power receptacle
(Transformer Module)
115VAC power receptacle to power laptop during
configuration and diagnostics. Receptacle not available on
230VAC Transformer Module.
2.4.2: Termination and Mounting -
Large Enclosure
4.0: Wiring and Connections -
Main Board
V - Power On/Off
switch (Transformer
Power switch to turn power On/Off to both Transformer
Module 24VAC connectors and power receptacle.
2.4.2: Termination and Mounting -
Large Enclosure
4.0: Wiring and Connections -
Main Board
W - 24VAC connector
(Transformer Module)
One of the two 24VAC connectors for power (the second is
also on the right side of the Transformer Module near the
top). Each connector is rated for 40VA.
2.4.2: Termination and Mounting -
Large Enclosure
4.0: Wiring and Connections -
Main Board
X - Modem On-board modem with 9600 baud rate.
9.8: Setup System - Setup
Modem & Pagers
Y - Modem status LEDs Indicates the operational status of the modem. 1.9: LED Indicators
Z - DIP switch 1 DIP switch used for resetting password to default. 9.9.1: Change Password
AA - LCD connector Connection for the LCD on the enclosure door. N/A
BB - LCD contrast
Adjustment contrast for the LCD on the enclosure door. N/A
CC - Battery pack
Connection for battery pack lead. 2.4.3: Connecting the Battery Pack
DD - 24VAC power
Power connection for the controller. Requires 24VAC.
2.4: Connect Power to the
Universal Monitor
EE - Transformer
Transformer Module used to convert 115VAC or 230VAC
to 24VAC. Available only in the large enclosure.
2.4.2: Termination and Mounting -
Large Enclosure
Table 1 Controller board components (continued)
Item Description For more information, see: