Trusted PCs
Enable this to allow one computer to have unrestricted access to
the Internet. If enabled, you must select the PC to be the trusted
Click to enable
Trusted PCs
Click this button to manage the trusted PC database.
Set Trusted
PCs Button
Trusted Wireless Stations
This feature can be used to prevent unknown PCs from using the Router. This list has
no effect unless the setting Allow access by trusted PCs only is enabled.
You will see a screen like the sample below.
Figure 48: Trusted PCs
Data - Trusted Wireless Stations
This lists any PCs which you have designated as “Trusted”.
Trusted PCs
This list any PCs detected by the Router, which you have not
designated as "Trusted".
Other PCs
Add a Trusted PCs to the list (move from the "Other PCs "
• Select an entry (or entries) in the "Other PCs" list, and
click the " << " button.
Delete a Trusted PCs from the list (move to the "Other PCs"
• Select an entry (or entries) in the "Trusted PCs" list.
• Click the " >> " button.