When the adapter works in 11b mode, the maximum data rate is
11Mbps so that there are only “Auto/1/2/5.5/11Mbps” options you
can select.
SSID The SSID (up to 32 printable ASCII characters) is the unique
name identified in a WLAN. The ID prevents the unintentional
merging of two co-located WLANs.
You may specify a SSID for the adapter and then only the device
with the same SSID can interconnect to the adapter.
Any If “Any“ check box is enabled, the adapter will survey and connect
to one of the available wireless stations without checking the
consistency of channel and SSID with the wireless station.
Network Type Ad-Hoc – This mode enables wireless network adapters
interconnecting without through AP or Router. Select this mode if
there is no AP or Router in the network.
Infrastructure – This operation mode requires the presence of an
802.11 Access Point. All communication is done via the Access
Point or Router.
Change/Apply Click “Change“ will enable you to setup the parameters of
“General Connection Setting“. In the meantime, the button will
change to “Apply“ for you to confirm your settings.
Encryption Setting In the block, users may enable/disable WEP and WPA encryption
within the network. Please refer to Section 5.3 for more