v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is
v See Chapter 7, “Parts listing, RS210 Types 6531, 6532, 6533, and 6534,” on page 177 to determine which
components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
v If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a
trained service technician.
Security: Userid: ’%1’ had %2 login
failures from an SSH client at IP
address %3.
(%1 = user ID; %2 =
(currently set to 5 in the firmware);
%3 = IP address, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
Error A user has exceeded the
maximum number of
unsuccessful login attempts
from SSH and has been
prevented from logging in
for the lockout period.
1. Make sure that the correct
login ID and password are
being used.
2. Have the system
administrator reset the login
ID or password.
Chapter 4. Diagnostics 49