Chapter 1. Introduction
Thank you for ordering and using the Lenovo
Management Module (TMM), hereinafter
referred to as Remote Management Module.
The User Guide describes how to use the Remote Management Module, the overview of the module
features, and how to set up and operate the module.
The User Guide is for system administrators responsible for installation, troubleshooting, upgrade and
maintenance of the Remote Management Module. As a system administrator, once you are familiar with the
User Guide, you can use Remote Management Module to access remotely from any location to respond for
The following table lists the terms used in this document and its corresponding descriptions.
Abbreviation Denition
BMC System board Management Controller
DHCP Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol
Intelligent Platform Management Interface
KVM Keyboard, Video, and Mouse
MAC Media Access Controller
TCP/IP Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Safety information
With reference to either the Guide or other documents, you should always pay particular attention
to safety information before operating the ThinkServer. To ensure full compliance with the existing
certication and licensing, you must follow the installation instructions in the Guide.
Power on / off: the power button can not cut off system power or Remote Management Module power.
To cut off the power of Remote Management Module, you must disconnect the ac power cord from the
power outlet. When opening the chassis to install or remove the parts, you should make sure the ac power
cord has been disconnected.
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