Country or Region Telephone Number
Indonesia 021 5238 823
Local number only: 001-803-606-282
DID (Direct Inward Dialing): +603 8315 6859
(English, Bahasa Indonesia)
Ireland Warranty service and support: 01-881-1444 (English)
Israel Givat Shmuel Service Center: +972-3-531-3900
(Hebrew, English)
Italy Warranty service and support: +39-800-820094 (Italian)
Japan Toll Free: 0120-20-5550
International: +81-46-266-4716
The above numbers will be answered with a Japanese language voice prompt. For
telephone support in English, please wait for the Japanese voice prompt to end, and an
operator will answer. Please say ″English support please,″ and your call will be
transferred to an English-speaking operator.
PC software: 0120-558-695
Overseas calls: +81-44-200-8666
Korea 1588-6782 (Korean)
Latvia +371 7070360
Lithuania +370 5 278 66 00
Luxembourg +352-360-385-343 (French)
Malaysia Local number only: 1800-88-1889
DID: +603 8315 6855
(English, Bahasa Melayu)
Malta +35621445566
Mexico 001-866-434-2080 (Spanish)
Middle East +44 (0)1475-555-055
Netherlands +31-20-514-5770 (Dutch)
New Zealand 0800-733-222 (English)
Nicaragua 001-800-220-1830 (Spanish)
Norway Warranty service and support: 8152-1550 (Norwegian)
Panama Lenovo Customer Support Center: 001-866-434-2080 (Toll Free)
Germany Warranty service and support: 01805-00-46-18 (German)
Greece +30-210-680-1700
Guatemala 1800-624-0051 (Spanish)
Honduras Tegucigalpa: 232-4222
San Pedro Sula: 552-2234
Hungary +36-1-382-5716
India 1800-425-2666
Appendix A. Service and Support A-3