Note: To avoid damaging the LCD monitor, do not spray cleaning solution
directly onto the monitor. Only use products specifically designed for
cleaning monitors, and follow the instructions that are included with the
The following are general methods for cleaning the components:
• Youcanuseasoftclothtoremovedustonthesurfaceofthecomputer,the
monitor, the printer, the speakers and the mouse.
• Youcanuseavacuumcleanertocleaninotherwiseinaccessiblecorners.
• Tocleanthekeyboardthoroughly,shutdownthecomputerandscrubitgently
with a wet cloth.
• Donot use the keyboard until it is dry.
Do not do any of the following:
• Allowwatertoenterthecomputer
• Useaheavilydampenedcloth
• Spraywaterdirectlyontothesurfaceofthemonitororinsideofcomputer.
Daily attention should be given to LCD monitors. Use a dry cloth daily to brush
dust from the monitor and keyboard. Keep all surfaces clean and free of grease