• Inthefollowingtwosituations,youmustre-saveachannellist:
a. When you change your TV signal from digital to analog, your saved
channel list for digital TV is deleted. When you want to watch digital TV
again, you must create and save a new channel list.
b. When you change your TV signal from analog to digital, your saved
channel list for analog TV is deleted. When you want to watch analog TV
again, you must create and save a new channel list.
• Beforeyoucanwatchteletextprogramming,youmustsettheTVtunerinput
signal to analog.
4.6 Performing Daily Maintenance Tasks
Cleaning the computer components
Because many of the computer components consist of sophisticated integrated
circuit boards, it is very important to periodically clean around the computer
to prevent dust buildup. The cleaning supplies you need in order to clean the
components include: a vacuum cleaner, a soft cotton cloth, clear water (pure water
preferred) and cotton swabs.
Attention: Before you clean your computer, disconnect the computer
dampened with water. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners, which may
contain flammable substances.
Note: To avoid damaging the computer or display, do not spray cleaning
solution directly onto the display. Only use products specifically designed
for cleaning displays, and follow the instructions that are included with the
The following are general methods for cleaning the components:
• Youcanuseasoftclothtoremovedustonthesurfaceofthecomputer,the
monitor, the printer, the speakers and the mouse.
• Youcanuseavacuumcleanertocleaninotherwiseinaccessiblecorners.
• Tocleanthekeyboardthoroughly,shutdownthecomputerandscrubitgently
with a wet cloth.
• Donot use the keyboard until it is dry.