9358 Keyboard (Lenovo Fingerprint Reader USB) FRU# CRU Tier
Swiss French/German (models) 41A5282 1
Thailand (models) 41A5283 1
Turkish (models) 41A5284 1
Turkish (models) 41A5285 1
UK English (models) 41A5286 1
US Euro (models) 41A5287 1
Slovenian (models) 41A5288 1
9358 mice FRU# CRU
Optical Wheel Mouse (400DPI, USB) (models 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V 91K 91R) 41U3013 1
Optical Wheel Mouse (400DPI, USB) (models 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V 91K 91R) 41U3030 1
PS/2 2 Button Ball Mouse (models) 41R0018 1
9358 Adapters and miscellaneous FRUs FRU# CRU
Internal USB Memory Card Reader floppy bay (models) 41R3378 2
Internal USB 20 in 1 Memory CardReader floppy bay (models) 45R8139 2
USB Memory Key (models) 43R2296 2
Internal USB Memory Card Reader floppy bay (models) 41R3376 2
IEEE 1394 Firewire Adapter SFF (models) 41D2781 2
ATI HD 2400PRO 128MB 64BIT DMS59 ATX (models) 46R4159 2
ATI HD 2400XT 256MB 64BIT DMS59 ATX (models) 46R4160 2
Soft Modem V.90/V.44 SFF (models) 46R4220 2
USB Memory Key - 1G RoW (models) 41U4978 1
ATI HD 2400PRO 128MB 64BIT DMS59 LP (models) 43C0259 2
ATI HD 2400XT 256MB 64BIT DMS59 LP (models) 43C0260 2
ADD2 DVI Adapter,LP (HDCP) (models) 43C0258 2
DVI-I connection Adapter Full Height (models) 39J9334 2
DVI-I connection Adapter Low Profile (models) 39J9334 2
Speaker Power brick - US, Canada, LA low voltage,ASEAN (models 91A) 89P8571 1
Speaker Power brick - LA high voltage (non-APU) (models) 89P8575 1
Speaker Power brick - China, Thailand (models 91C) 89P8581 1
Speaker Power brick - Japan (models) 89P8577 1
Speaker Power brick - Brazil (models) 89P8583 1
Speaker Power brick - Argentina (models) 41A4901 1
Speaker Power brick - ANZ (models 91M ) 89P8579 1
Speaker Brick - Korea (models 91K 91R ) 41A4903 1
Speaker Brick - Hong Kong, EMEA (models 91B 91H) 89P8573 1
Speaker Brick - Taiwan (models 91V) 41A4905 1
Speaker Power brick - India, South Africa (models 91Q) 89P8585 1
Dongle DMS Dule DMS-59 to dual VGA Cable (models) 42Y8181 2
Dongle DMS Dule DMS-59 to dual DVI Cable (models) 41X6398 2
Chapter 11. FRU lists 411